sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Google Summer of Code - Final evaluation results

"Hi Leonardo Augusto Sapiras,
We have processed the evaluation for your project named Improve phpPgAdmin ergonomy with PostgreSQL.
Congratulations, from our data it seems that you have successfully passed the Final Evaluations. Please contact your mentor to discuss the results of your evaluation and to plan your goals and development plan for the rest of the program
The Google Open Source Programs Team"

  Wow!!!! I have passed \o/

  One more time I thank my mentor Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais, and  phpPgAdmin developers for all the help, the organization PostgreSQL and Google for the opportunity that they gave to working together with they on the improve of open-source softwares.


Google Summer of Code - Resultado da avaliação final

"Hi Leonardo Augusto Sapiras,
We have processed the evaluation for your project named Improve phpPgAdmin ergonomy with PostgreSQL.
Congratulations, from our data it seems that you have successfully passed the Final Evaluations. Please contact your mentor to discuss the results of your evaluation and to plan your goals and development plan for the rest of the program
The Google Open Source Programs Team"

 Feito!!!! Passei \o/

  Mais uma vez agradeço meu mentor Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais, e aos desenvolvedores do phpPgAdmin por toda ajuda, as organizações PostgreSQL e Google pela oportunidade que me deram para trabalhar junto com elas na melhoria de softwares open-source.


Google Summer of Code - Last weeks

  Hi people,

  The last few weeks working on Google Summer of Code have been hard-working, intricate details to make and end of activities coming let anyone almost crazy. But last Monday I got to finish everything and send to the phpPgAdmin development team. I thank my mentor Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais, for all the help and support he gave me and other developers of the project and organization PostgreSQL.

  For more information about my project can be found on this wiki.

  Now, wait for the final results!!!!

Google Summer of Code - Últimas semanas

Olá pessoal,

  As últimas semanas do Google Summer of Code foram trabalhosas, detalhes complicados para se fazer e o fim das atividades chegando deixam qualquer um quase maluco. Mas, segunda-feira passada consegui terminar tudo e enviar para a equipe de desenvolvimento do phpPgAdmin. Agradeço ao meu mentor Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais, por toda a ajuda e apoio que ele me proporcionou, bem os demais desenvolvedores do projeto e a organização PostgreSQL.

  Maiores informações sobre o meu projeto podem ser encontrados na wiki dele.

  Agora, que venha o resultado final!!!!